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多级优化已被广泛用作无数机器学习问题的数学基础,例如超参数优化,元学习和增强学习,仅举几例。尽管如此,实施多级优化程序通常需要在数学和编程方面的专业知识,这在该领域的研究都阻碍了研究。我们通过引入贝蒂(Betty)(用于基于梯度的多级优化的高级软件库)迈出了缩小这一差距的第一步。为此,我们基于对多级优化作为数据流图的新解释开发自动分化过程。我们进一步将多级优化的主要组成部分作为Python类,以实现简单,模块化和可维护的编程。我们从经验上证明,Betty可以用作一系列多级优化程序的高级编程接口,同时观察到测试准确性的提高11 \%,GPU存储器使用率下降14 \%,而20 \%降低了。在多个基准上的现有实现的墙壁时间。该代码可从http://github.com/leopard-ai/betty获得。
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室内环境中的热舒适感会对乘员的健康,福祉和表现产生巨大影响。鉴于对能源效率和实现智能建筑的关注,机器学习(ML)越来越多地用于数据驱动的热舒适度(TC)预测。通常,提出了用于空调或HVAC通风建筑物的基于ML的解决方案,这些模型主要是为成年人设计的。另一方面,在大多数国家 /地区,自然通风(NV)的建筑物是常态。它们也是节能和长期可持续性目标的理想选择。但是,NV建筑物的室内环境缺乏热调节,并且在空间环境中差异很大。这些因素使TC预测极具挑战性。因此,确定建筑环境对TC模型性能的影响很重要。此外,需要研究跨不同NV室内空间的TC预测模型的概括能力。这项工作解决了这些问题。数据是通过在5个自然通风的学校建筑中进行的为期一个月的实地实验,涉及512名小学生。空间变异性对学生舒适度的影响通过预测准确性的变化(高达71%)来证明。还通过特征重要性的变化来证明建筑环境对TC预测的影响。此外,对儿童(我们的数据集)和成人(ASHRAE-II数据库)进行了模型性能的空间变异性比较分析。最后,评估了NV教室中热舒适模型的概括能力,并强调了主要挑战。
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Modeling lies at the core of both the financial and the insurance industry for a wide variety of tasks. The rise and development of machine learning and deep learning models have created many opportunities to improve our modeling toolbox. Breakthroughs in these fields often come with the requirement of large amounts of data. Such large datasets are often not publicly available in finance and insurance, mainly due to privacy and ethics concerns. This lack of data is currently one of the main hurdles in developing better models. One possible option to alleviating this issue is generative modeling. Generative models are capable of simulating fake but realistic-looking data, also referred to as synthetic data, that can be shared more freely. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) is such a model that increases our capacity to fit very high-dimensional distributions of data. While research on GANs is an active topic in fields like computer vision, they have found limited adoption within the human sciences, like economics and insurance. Reason for this is that in these fields, most questions are inherently about identification of causal effects, while to this day neural networks, which are at the center of the GAN framework, focus mostly on high-dimensional correlations. In this paper we study the causal preservation capabilities of GANs and whether the produced synthetic data can reliably be used to answer causal questions. This is done by performing causal analyses on the synthetic data, produced by a GAN, with increasingly more lenient assumptions. We consider the cross-sectional case, the time series case and the case with a complete structural model. It is shown that in the simple cross-sectional scenario where correlation equals causation the GAN preserves causality, but that challenges arise for more advanced analyses.
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We present the interpretable meta neural ordinary differential equation (iMODE) method to rapidly learn generalizable (i.e., not parameter-specific) dynamics from trajectories of multiple dynamical systems that vary in their physical parameters. The iMODE method learns meta-knowledge, the functional variations of the force field of dynamical system instances without knowing the physical parameters, by adopting a bi-level optimization framework: an outer level capturing the common force field form among studied dynamical system instances and an inner level adapting to individual system instances. A priori physical knowledge can be conveniently embedded in the neural network architecture as inductive bias, such as conservative force field and Euclidean symmetry. With the learned meta-knowledge, iMODE can model an unseen system within seconds, and inversely reveal knowledge on the physical parameters of a system, or as a Neural Gauge to "measure" the physical parameters of an unseen system with observed trajectories. We test the validity of the iMODE method on bistable, double pendulum, Van der Pol, Slinky, and reaction-diffusion systems.
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We propose Hierarchical ProtoPNet: an interpretable network that explains its reasoning process by considering the hierarchical relationship between classes. Different from previous methods that explain their reasoning process by dissecting the input image and finding the prototypical parts responsible for the classification, we propose to explain the reasoning process for video action classification by dissecting the input video frames on multiple levels of the class hierarchy. The explanations leverage the hierarchy to deal with uncertainty, akin to human reasoning: When we observe water and human activity, but no definitive action it can be recognized as the water sports parent class. Only after observing a person swimming can we definitively refine it to the swimming action. Experiments on ActivityNet and UCF-101 show performance improvements while providing multi-level explanations.
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Artificial intelligence (AI) in the form of deep learning bears promise for drug discovery and chemical biology, $\textit{e.g.}$, to predict protein structure and molecular bioactivity, plan organic synthesis, and design molecules $\textit{de novo}$. While most of the deep learning efforts in drug discovery have focused on ligand-based approaches, structure-based drug discovery has the potential to tackle unsolved challenges, such as affinity prediction for unexplored protein targets, binding-mechanism elucidation, and the rationalization of related chemical kinetic properties. Advances in deep learning methodologies and the availability of accurate predictions for protein tertiary structure advocate for a $\textit{renaissance}$ in structure-based approaches for drug discovery guided by AI. This review summarizes the most prominent algorithmic concepts in structure-based deep learning for drug discovery, and forecasts opportunities, applications, and challenges ahead.
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